And Farley's little self plug at the bottom of her post totally worked because I'm getting her classroom edition. Yay!
Click the image to get yourself a set too! |
Less fun is what I'm currently up to, but hey, what can I say....
Listening...ok, so I waited until the last minute to do my laundry before camping. This will make sense when we get to "thinking".
Side Note: I'm actually typing this the night before it posts so hopefully my laundry will be done and we'll be on the road shortly after you see this!
Loving...I've been in my class all week and it's almost ready. Next week my baby girl turns 5 and my Mom and Grandma are coming to visit so I don't want to have to go in to school a bunch. Then the following week it's back to work for me. Yikes!
Thinking...okay, you know you're a bad procrastinator when you're procrastinating by idly thinking about how you procrastinate. I actually went to a school conference and attended a seminar about procrastinating. Don't ask....
Wanting...this is totally irrelevant to anything, but gals I'm really hungry. It's past 11 and all I had was about 5 Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets...eew...And you all know about Maslow's hierarchy so I don't wanna hear anything about it...hmmm, I think my hubby has a Kit Kat chilling in the freezer and he's not home...hmmmm.....
Needing...I already bought about 4 storage/cart/container type items for the class, not including the 24 shoebox size containers I bought for the students extra supplies but's a sick addiction. I really can't help it.
Back to school must haves. The fun part.
1. New pens- this should really say new writing tools because I LOVE buying anything I can write with. Here are my current faves:
I'm a pencil snob and only like the Ticonderoga ones as far as pencils that you have to sharpen, but I do like a cheapie mechanical one every once in a while. Got these the other day...
Ok, I'll be totally honest. I bought them because they match my class colors. I know you won't judge me because if you're a teacher reading this you've probably done it too.
And I'm also very particular about highlighters. For the longest time I would only use these by Sharpie. It's because they're a normal yellow, not neon.
For some reason I get irritated by neon yellow highlighters. I'm getting better though and can use some other colors like blue, purple, or orange...but the real neon types bug me.
2. Laminating pouches for my Scotch Laminator. I got a pack of 200 pouches so it's pretty safe to say I'm set for quite a while.
3. And of course with all that laminating I must have cardstock. I hoard it everywhere possible.
Now that you all think I'm weird, I hope you enjoy your weekend.
I'm off camping so I'll see y'all Monday!
how did I forget laminating pouches! and new pens!! Cute blog!!
As soon as I read about you wanting food, my stomach started growling, lol. I love the format of your blog! So colorful!
The Froggy Pond